"Are Those Your Real Eyes?"
Dana Pitts Armour
Some of you might find this to be a strange question but I'm asked this, on almost a daily basis. “Are those your real eyes?”
Can you imagine being questioned about your nostrils every day? Is that your real nose? Maybe, maybe not, in that case, but you need to get it out of my kool-aid. Why is it so unbelievable? Why is it so important? I can see, so they are working properly, that’s all that matters, right? This question is just something I never understood.
People think my eyes are beautiful, different, unique, and so strange to be attached to ME. I've grown up hating them, cursing them, blaming them for bringing me to the unwanted and unwarranted attention of strangers and any old passerby. Simply put, I cannot fucking hide!
It's been a rough ride to acknowledge how such a basic feature we all have, can set me on a course different from most people I know. My eyes have opened and closed doors. I've been complemented, gushed over, and on the flip side, hated because of them.
One thing that’s universal about what I’ve experienced is the line of questioning, whether it be out of friendly curiosity or envious disrespect, comes to me from all races, genders, political alignments, economic backgrounds, dogs/cats. I mean, if it's crossing my path, there's a possible encounter and no demographic stereotype to prepare me for who or what is coming at me.
I am a target, a person who is limitless in my appeal both positive and negative. I sometimes feel like an interactive museum exhibit, whose doors are always open for study, critique and judgment.
Mostly, I stand alone in my difference, relying on the teachings I've learned from my family, childhood friends, and trusted comrades I’ve acquired along my journey. I’m blessed to be strong in my faith, gaining the courage to face the world but no longer with my eyes closed.
This page will follow stories of the understanding some of us have to deal with the world and all of the crazy questions we can laugh about.